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Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Animal Crossing Mobile App - "What Ifs"

With only a few hours before Nintendo officially shows the world it's Animal Crossing Mobile app, everyone has their opinions and ideas of what they want. Being the huge franchise that it has grown into over the years, the fans of the life sim series have high expectations. Of course, this being a mobile app there will be limitations on what Nintendo can provide, but here is our list of "Ideal world" what-ifs. 

1) A pattern designer to make use of a smart phone touch screen, this would allow you to design simple patterns such as a flag or t-shirt and have potential to connect with a future Animal Crossing title on the Nintendo Switch. 

2) Villagers that you can befriend by checking on them daily and chatting with them (similar to the main game series only simplified). As you get friendlier with the villagers they could give you Nintendo Themed items which again, could be great for a potential Nintendo Switch title. 

3) Customisable character for the app where you can change things such as basic clothing, hair colour and style and get additional items with MyNintendo. This character would be your own and again, with the intention of transferring it to a future Switch Version. 

4) A quick release time frame for the app, hopefully this week or next! 

5) A limit to micro-transactions present in the game. We know that Nintendo's mobile apps do feature micro-transactions, but it would be nice to not have them as essential for the app. For example, if there are Bells usable in the app, locking large amounts of Bells behind micro-transactions would be a really bad thing. 

In an ideal world these ideas would be perfect for the mobile app for Animal Crossing. What would you love to see featured? Let us know! 


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